

欢迎来到辅导员之角. Please check back every month to learn more as Ms. 伊芙琳,女士. 大家好. Kaslow address and explore topics that are currently top-of-mind. 


  • 回到学校

    We hope everyone had a relaxing summer and is ready for the new school year.  Transitioning out of a vacation mindset and back into study mode can be challenging.  As you’re moving around the building you will notice new and exciting physical changes.  In addition to changes to the building, the Wellness Department has a few changes as well.  We are excited to welcome two new school counselors, Ms. Bischel, who some of you will remember was an intern with Ms. 伊夫林去年.  She will be working with some of our Middle School students, and Ms. 艾伦将和我们的11人一起工作th 和12th 年级学生.  Ms. Evelyn will continue working with the Middle School and Ms. Kaslow will continue working with our 9th 和10th 年级学生. It takes time to say goodbye to the long days of summer, 回归常规, 有更有条理的日子.  Below are a few tips to help you manage those first few weeks of returning to school.  
给五个人送上亲切的祝福. "Smell the chocolate fountain" on Coronation Day. 试试巴迪的呼吸. These are just three mindfulness activities to try with your children. Click below and learn about all 23 mindfulness activities that you can do right now!
When 焦虑 hits, we don’t always have a lot of time to deal with it. We may have to run off to our next meeting, pick up the kids, or get dinner on the table.  These quick, simple exercises will help get your 焦虑 back under control in minutes.


Meet the 纽约预科 Counseling and Wellness Team

伊芙琳Rowe-Cosentino is a psychotherapist licensed as a Creative 艺术 Therapist and certified as a group psychotherapist and mother-daughter coach. She has a private practice in the heart of New York City where she also serves as a clinical consultant to the Alvin Ailey dance company and facilitates workshops on adolescent development.
Ms. Rowe-Cosentino received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from St. Joseph’s College and her Master’s degree from New York University. 她受过精神分析方面的训练, 辩证行为疗法(DBT), and Trauma focused therapy which includes treatment with first responders and children and families following our country’s tragedy on 9-11.
Ms. Rowe-Cosentino has over 30 years of clinical experience working with children, 青少年, 年轻人和家庭. 她的专业领域是抑郁症, 焦虑, 注意力缺陷多动症, 童年创伤, 药物滥用, 家庭系统是有效的, with extensive experience working on both inpatient and outpatient psychiatric units with severely mentally ill patients.
Ms. Rowe-Cosentino is a seasoned clinician who provides her students with a warm, 欢迎和安全的地方茁壮成长. She is a working mother who cherishes her time with her family.  She also practices yoga and Pilates in her downtime and enjoys the outdoors.   

伊丽莎白Aiello is native to the New York City area. She is a passionate educator in the field of mental health and student support services. Ms. Aiello received her Bachelor of 艺术 in Sociology and Hispanic Studies at 连接icut College and her Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work at Columbia University. 自2013年以来,. Aiello has been a social worker and school counselor, 用心引导学生, 教师, and parents through personal and school-based challenges. 在她的newbb电子平台中. Aiello has expanded her expertise in managing school crises, 教授恢复性练习, 建立父母伙伴关系, and developing academic and behavioral interventions that meet the individual needs of the student. Ms. Aiello views counseling youth as her life's work, and believes education can be the avenue through which empathy, 疗愈, 正义得到了促进. Ms. Aiello threads her mission for human rights through her counseling, 指导, 以及志愿者的努力. Ms. Aiello spends her spare time with her new baby & husband taking many walks and enjoying all that New York has to offer.

艾莉森Kaslow is a licensed psychotherapist in the state of New York, whom received her Master’s degree in clinical social work at Fordham University, and bachelor’s degree in communications from UMASS Amherst. She then completed a two-year post graduate training program at The Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, to become a certified family and couples therapist.

在她的newbb电子平台中, Alison has been working with 青少年 and youth in school settings all across New York City’s boroughs, 包括高等教育. She also spent time working at a weight loss and wellness retreat in upstate New York, encouraging and supporting the intersection of physical and mental health. Alison has always had a passion for working and advocating for youth in the school environment, and sees it as a daily opportunity to support students in the moment.

Alison has an immense amount of gratitude for the individuals and families she works alongside, and looks forward to getting to know the York community! 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢烹饪。, 旅行, 逛当地的农贸市场, 和她爱的人在一起.